Action Rental date Inventory Customer Return date Staff Last update Payment
14 February 2006 15:30 pm ZHIVAGO CORE LOUIS LEONE Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2023-02-15 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WORLD LEATHERNECKS NEIL RENNER Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2023-07-02 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WOMEN DORADO NATALIE MEYER Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.00 2022-11-01 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WINDOW SIDE JEREMY HURTADO Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
2.99 2022-08-31 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WILD APOLLO NAOMI JENNINGS Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2023-05-30 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WEDDING APOLLO REGINA BERRY Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2023-01-08 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm WANDA CHAMBER GREG ROBINS Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
4.99 2022-10-12 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm VOLCANO TEXAS JENNY CASTRO Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2022-09-28 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm VIRGINIAN PLUTO BECKY MILES Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.99 2023-01-09 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm VARSITY TRIP ALBERT CROUSE Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
2.99 2022-09-26 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm VANISHING ROCKY ALBERTO HENNING Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
2.99 2023-04-17 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm VANISHED GARDEN MORRIS MCCARTER Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.00 2023-03-26 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TUXEDO MILE ANDY VANHORN Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
2.99 2023-06-16 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TROUBLE DATE TAMMY SANDERS Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.00 2022-12-24 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TROJAN TOMORROW JUSTIN NGO Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
7.98 2023-08-04 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TRADING PINOCCHIO JULIE SANCHEZ Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
4.99 2022-12-09 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TORQUE BOUND CAROLYN PEREZ Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
5.98 2023-05-12 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TITANS JERK WILLIE HOWELL Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
4.99 2023-06-13 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TITANIC BOONDOCK JUSTIN NGO Mike Hillyer 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
0.00 2022-12-28 00:00:00
14 February 2006 15:16 pm TITANIC BOONDOCK MORRIS MCCARTER Jon Stephens 15 February 2006 20:30 pm
Amount Payment date
5.98 2022-11-17 00:00:00

Results 1 to 20 of 16044

About the current Rental data list

The MySQL records displayed on this page are extracted from the "rental" table.

Table rental is structured as follows:

Field name Displayed name Extra
rental_id Rental
rental_date Rental date
inventory_id Inventory
customer_id Customer
return_date Return date
staff_id Staff
last_update Last update

PHP CRUD - rental records list

Informations about the database PDO query:

  • The records are ordered by rental.rental_date DESC
  • records are displayed on each page

The rental list uses 1 external relational table(s).

The records of the external relational table(s) are displayed in nested table(s).

Create your own CRUD Application from your Database

This Bootstrap Dashboard has been entirely designed with PHP CRUD Generator.

The current admin page lists the records of the rental table.
PHP CRUD Generator allows to build this type of PHP admin dashboard in a very simple way and without programming.
The CRUD application analyzes your SQL database and extracts all its components: tables, relationships, fields, primary and secondary keys, field and data types, ...
The CRUD system is able to generate an admin dashboard such as this one from any MySQL database, no matter how complex it is.

PHP CRUD Generator is available at a very low price here on Codecanyon.
1 license = 1 project, no recurring payments, 6 months of support included, a professional web application, no known bugs, ... and tons of work saved.

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