Action Address Address2 District City Postal code Phone Last update
1 Valle de Santiago Avenue Apulia Brindisi 86208 465897838272 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1001 Miyakonojo Lane Taizz Taizz 67924 584316724815 25 September 2014 20:34 pm
1002 Ahmadnagar Manor Mxico Huixquilucan 93026 371490777743 25 September 2014 20:32 pm
1003 Qinhuangdao Street West Java Purwakarta 25972 35533115997 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1006 Santa Brbara dOeste Manor Ondo & Ekiti Owo 36229 85059738746 25 September 2014 20:32 pm
1009 Zanzibar Lane Arecibo Arecibo 64875 102396298916 25 September 2014 20:32 pm
1010 Klerksdorp Way Steiermark Graz 6802 493008546874 25 September 2014 20:30 pm
1013 Tabuk Boulevard West Bengali Kanchrapara 96203 158399646978 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1014 Loja Manor Tamil Nadu Ambattur 66851 460795526514 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1016 Iwakuni Street St George Kingstown 49833 961370847344 25 September 2014 20:32 pm
102 Chapra Drive Ibaragi Tama 14073 776031833752 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1027 Banjul Place West Bengali Halisahar 50390 538241037443 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
1027 Songkhla Manor Minsk Molodetno 30861 563660187896 25 September 2014 20:30 pm
1029 Dzerzinsk Manor Ynlin Touliu 57519 33173584456 25 September 2014 20:33 pm
1031 Daugavpils Parkway Béchar Bchar 59025 107137400143 25 September 2014 20:29 pm
1049 Matamoros Parkway Karnataka Gulbarga 69640 960505250340 25 September 2014 20:31 pm
105 Dzerzinsk Manor Inner Mongolia Tongliao 48570 240776414296 25 September 2014 20:30 pm
1050 Garden Grove Avenue Slaskie Jastrzebie-Zdrj 4999 973047364353 25 September 2014 20:32 pm
1052 Pathankot Avenue Sichuan Leshan 77397 128499386727 25 September 2014 20:30 pm
1059 Yuncheng Avenue Vilna Vilnius 47498 107092893983 25 September 2014 20:31 pm

Results 1 to 20 of 603

About the current Address data list

The MySQL records displayed on this page are extracted from the "address" table.

Table address is structured as follows:

Field name Displayed name Extra
address_id Address
address Address
address2 Address2
district District
city_id City
postal_code Postal code
phone Phone
location Location
last_update Last update

PHP CRUD - address records list

Informations about the database PDO query:

  • The records are ordered by address.address ASC
  • records are displayed on each page

The address list doesn't use any external relational table.

Create your own CRUD Application from your Database

This Bootstrap Dashboard has been entirely designed with PHP CRUD Generator.

The current admin page lists the records of the address table.
PHP CRUD Generator allows to build this type of PHP admin dashboard in a very simple way and without programming.
The CRUD application analyzes your SQL database and extracts all its components: tables, relationships, fields, primary and secondary keys, field and data types, ...
The CRUD system is able to generate an admin dashboard such as this one from any MySQL database, no matter how complex it is.

PHP CRUD Generator is available at a very low price here on Codecanyon.
1 license = 1 project, no recurring payments, 6 months of support included, a professional web application, no known bugs, ... and tons of work saved.

Customise the theme and navigation bars