Utilizza FlySpeed SQL Query per generare e testare le tue query
- Label
- Label displayed next to the drop-down list.
Example : "Author"
- Valore(i)
- Fields to be displayed in the drop-down list, separated by "+".
Example : "authors.name + authors.first_name"
- Campi
- Fields for the query SQL SELECT.
Example : "authors.name, authors.first_name, articles.authors_id"
- Campi da filtrare
- The field used to filter the query.
Example : "articles.authors_id"
- SQL FROM query.
Example : "articles Left Join authors On articles.authors_id = authors.id"
- Tipologia di valori
- Testo o Booleano.
The query cited as an example will be the following :
SELECT DISTINCT authors.name, authors.first_name, articles.authors_id FROM articles INNER JOIN authors ON articles.authors_id = authors.id
When the user has chosen an item from the list :
SELECT DISTINCT authors.name, authors.first_name, articles.authors_id FROM articles INNER JOIN authors ON articles.authors_id = authors.id WHERE articles.authors_id = [posted value]